Ebook Free , by Tabitha Black
Ebook Free , by Tabitha Black
Das Märchen von der Zeitvertreib sowie das Leben von jedem wird sicherlich einzigartig sein. Die Erfahrung, Reise, Know-how, sowie das Leben tatsächlich kommen getan werden die Elemente des Problems zu sein. Trotzdem kann am Ende Alter nicht nur der Grund des Seins, wie eine Person endet schlauer zu sein. Um kann eine intelligente individuelle, zahlreiche Arten erfolgen. Die Entdeckung vigilantly zu entdecken, indem und Üben, Erfahrung bekommen und auch von anderen Individuen zu verstehen, und immer Quellen aus dem Buch kommen die Methoden des schlauer zu sein.
, by Tabitha Black

Ebook Free , by Tabitha Black
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 1844 KB
Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten: Keine Einschränkung
Verlag: Eclipse Press (26. Mai 2019)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#33.167 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Primal Possession is a book I loved to read. Arius and Saskia were such interesting characters and the A/O dynamics made this read even better. Though, normally, I am not such a big fan of 'dark' romances, this is a book I will read again very soon.
This was a wonderful tale, of Alpha and omega, betrayal and love. An enchanting and intriguing story that had me hooked from the start. Can't wait to see what happens next in this series.
I liked Ms. Black's telling of the Omegaverse world. It wasn't allmean rutting males overpowering the female of their choice. Yesthe Alpha goes into Rut, the Omega goes into heat, but it isn't allrough sex all the time. Don't get me wrong, there is sex and oftenenough to satisfy this erotic romance reader. Saskia was an Omegain hiding for 5 years but gets caught and discovered to be Arius'smate. Arius is second in line to the throne which is occupied by aMad King, his uncle. There are secondary characters that evenout the story, good guys and not such good guys, but the mainfocus is the Alpha and Omega pairing between Saskua and Arius.Arius is a very sweet Alpha once he gets his rut satisfied andSaskia is a smart, beautiful Omega that has a hard time acceptingher lot in life. In the end, I was very happy with this first of whatI hope are many more stories in the Alphas of Sandor Omegaverse.Good Start Tabitha Black!
What a great start to a new series and one that keeps the pages turning. Saskia has managed to elude the authorities as an Omega from being placed in the Facility on her eighteenth birthday. She convinced her family to allow her that freedom, knowing that it could lead to their death. But her five years of exile has ended and on the night that the Alphas come to see if they will find their Omega. “Omegas had just one purpose. To breed.â€The plot will have Saskia captured, and the Trappers assume she is an escaped Omega from the Facility. Without time to be prepared, she and the other Omegas are paraded in front of the Alphas, among them will be Arius and his best friend, Evander.“His nostrils flared as if in slow motion, and her heart beat a frantic tattoo in her chest as he inhaled and she watched his expression change from one of mild curiosity to a look of raw, primal hunger. He looked like he would devour her.â€It is good to have power, and as an heir to the throne, he can overrule protocol and does just that when the Trappers want to intercede and control the situation. “She will be coming home with me now. She will be my mate.â€â€œRemember whom you are addressing. This is Arius Sandarus, sole heir to Sandor. If he wishes to circumvent protocol and take this woman home with him, it is his right to do so.†–EvanderTaking her back to his home comes with Saskia trying to convince him that she isn’t that one. “I don’t want to be your mate.â€â€œYour body says otherwise. And that’s all that matters, little Omega. You’re in estrus now, your slick dripping into my hand, so don’t pretend you don’t want this. Besides, this is what you were born for. And you should be on your knees, thanking the gods that I chose you. A lesser man—a lesser Alpha—wouldn’t have been so patient. With me, you’ll have the finest food, the respect of the people, and the honor of bearing the future ruler of Sandor. In fact, the only thing you won’t have—is a choice. Don’t ask me for something I cannot give you. You are an Omega, and the gods have chosen you to be my mate. That’s a reality neither you or I can escape.The story is full of betrayal, deceit, desperation, and throw in a deranged King who believes he can take what isn’t his. It is life and death, dominance and submission, give and take. Will Saskia learn to accept her new role and trust that Arius is more than just an Alpha claiming his Omega? Will she have an impact to help him understand the plight of the Betas? What will become of his Uncle Deimos? Will her family suffer for helping protect and hide her?“Who would have thought that by following her destiny and becoming an Alpha’s mater, she would have far more opportunity to help people than if she’d simply remained in hiding?â€While this is an Omegaverse tale, it is not without passion, chemistry, and two people caring for each other—even if it takes Saskia time to acknowledge that truth. It is a dominant and powerful Alpha who will take on anyone, including his Uncle to keep the woman that the fates have brought to him. While he is in control, he cares about her, about her comfort, and her pleasure—even before his own. The story has multiple sex scenes.“Just know this, little Omega; I cannot wait to sink my teeth into your soft skin and proclaim to the world that you belong to me, body, and soul. Forever.â€
The first book in a new Omegaverse series by Tabitha Black.It is a sexy and overall also a pretty sweet story. It is isn’t hardcore Omegaverse, so it is great for those just getting into the genre. I really liked the main characters. Arius really cares about his people and his Omega. I loved how he did little things to make her happy.Saskia was smart, sassy and knew what she wanted. She has a love of reading and learning and kept a cool head.I loved the world that Tabitha Black created and I would love to read more about it.
For lack of a better term, it was kind of a squishy kind of book. The opening chapters were interesting but as it went on, the characters were too good-natured and accepting, and the villain never felt like a threat. The events kind of happen over the course of one week. Overall, it felt very Disney-esque in more ways than one and not really a dark omegaverse story.
I thoroughly enjoyed this new to me author and I will definitely be checking out all of her books. I absolutely loved my first foray into Omegaverse!! I just love Saskia and her headstrong attitude. She is an Omega hiding among the Betas because she doesn’t want to be a broodmare for an Alpha. Arius is the heir apparent for Sandor and is most definitely a brooding Alpha. I love the power struggles between Saskia and Arius. She is not going to accept her lot in life without protest. I am hoping that this couple will make appearances throughout this series. Great start to the series!!!
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